Sunday, December 21, 2014

Back in the Saddle

I have always loved being around horses and hadn't been on one in quite a while. It is generally quite expensive to ride horses, so I decided I had to give it up a few years ago.  Luckily a friend of mine invited me out on the trails this weekend.  I couldn't say, "YES" quickly enough!

I rode a cute horse named Peanut.  Just as dogs have different breeds such as dalmations and poodles, there are different types of horses.  Peanut is a Haflinger (also known as an Avelignese).  He was small but very sturdy.  He had a lot of pep in his step and was not afraid of anything out on the trails. I liked his spunk and energy!

While riding I came across a surprise.  Check out who I saw on a horse...could it be??

At first glance, I thought it was Santa and when he turned around 
I realized it wasn't just Santa...
it was Cowboy Santa!

Not only did I have to get a photo with Cowboy Santa but all of the people passing by were taking photos of him too.  This rider thought of quite the way to spread holiday cheer!

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