Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Taking Flight

After visiting my family in Virginia, I headed to Washington D.C. for a meeting this past Monday.  I usually go to Circus Place in Hillsborough on Monday nights for my static (still) trapeze and lyra class.  I knew I would really miss it, so I looked online to see if there were any classes in Washington D.C. I could take.  Unfortunately the class was late, during the time I had plans for with some other people who work with schools.  They did, however, have a FLYING trapeze class earlier. So, I figured I should give it a try!

What an amazing experience!  With each new attempt I got better and better.  I would absolutely love to fly again soon!  I am posting some photos and a video below.  Enjoy!

Waiting for my teacher's command.  In circus they say "HEP!" instead of "go."  "Go" sounds too much like "no."
Here I go!

Double knee hang

Going for the catch
Got ya!

There were very few books on circus arts in the Somerset County Library System, but here are three you can take out:

Monday, February 23, 2015

Happy Birthday, Mom!

I took a trip down to Virginia to celebrate my mom's birthday with her this weekend.  I had a nice time visiting with my uncle, aunt, cousin, grandma, mom and dad.  The icy weather caused us to cancel our dinner plans, but we had a fun time together either way.  Happy Birthday, Mom! xo

Friday, February 20, 2015

Freddy Friday #6 -- More Snow for Freddy!!

This is our hike last week.  Check out the photo below to see what a
difference just a little more, fresh snow can add to the scenery!

The snow just keeps coming for Freddy!  He is absolutely loving it.  On our snow day this past Tuesday, he was happy to trot along a trail into the snow-dusted woods...where he proceeded to run like the wind toward the deer.  Oopsie!  Freddy IS some type of hound/hunting dog afterall!  Once he ran back to me we had a chance to really enjoy the view.  It looked like a magical winter wonderland.

"Where did that deer go?"

I heard some of the great things my students did on their snow days!  Some built snowmen and forts, had snowball fights, went sledding, went tubing and others stayed inside under a blanket to read. They all sounded like great options for a snow day!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is my absolute favorite holiday!  It is wonderful to reflect on all of the people I love and who love me.  I received so many wonderful valentines and treats from my current and past students yesterday.  Thank you!!  I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine's Day too!  I will be spending today with my niece, Megan.  :-)  Let the fun begin!

Freddy sends his love to you all too!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Freddy Fridays Return Next Week!

Because of a wildly hectic week, there will be no Freddy Friday today.  Think you'll be bored without it?  Come to the volleyball game tonight to cheer on the Adamsville teachers instead!!  ;-)

Freddy and I hope you take the time to rest up this long weekend!  He is already relaxing!  See?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Freddy Friday #5 - Freddy's First Pupcake

Alright, alright, I know this is called a Freddy Friday and all, but I want to talk a little about myself first today.  My name is Ms. Tricarico and I LOVE CUPCAKES.  I do not love all cupcakes but rather am quite particular about my cupcakes.  I never turn down the chance to try a new cupcake or to visit a new bakery, but this does not mean I love everything I try.  My very favorite cupcake stores surprisingly are not in New York City (although I have tried so many out there).  My favorite cupcakes come from a bakery in Princeton, New Jersey called House of Cupcakes.  I have a very hard time visiting Princeton without going home with a cupcake or a dozen to share with friends and neighbors.  

Surprisingly I have never bought one for my best buddy, Freddy.  On my last trip to House of Cupcakes, I finally chose a "pupcake" for Freddy.  A "pupcake" is a cupcake containing ingredients safe enough for a dog to eat.  I have put some doggie cookbooks at the bottom of this post in case you'd like to try to make some for your pet or for a local animal shelter.  Check out the video below to see Freddy's first pupcake experience.  Sometimes I cannot tell if he is a dog or a piggy! 

More information on House of Cupcakes can be found at: 

Here are the books I was talking about.  They can be found in the Somerset County Library System:

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Rosa Parks - A Strong Woman

Civil rights pioneer, Rosa Parks, was born in Tuskegee, Alabama 102 years ago today (February 4, 1913).  She led by example in a peaceful way when people were not being treated right.  Read more about her at the library.  She is an extremely important part of American history and my kindergarteners were lucky enough to have the chance to discuss her impact during our lessons on good character last month.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Happy Super Bowl!

Have a great Super Bowl Sunday!!!

Tonight is Super Bowl Sunday.  The Super Bowl is a yearly game to name the champion team for the NFL (National Football League).  This year the New England Patriots are playing the Seattle Seahawks.  

Many of my students are originally from countries other than the U.S. and understand "football" to be a game called soccer here in the United States.  Football, as we know it in the United States, is a sport that was made up over 120 years ago.  Many college students played a game played rugby and/or soccer but later developed a new game of "gridiron football".  The first college game of American football was played between Rutgers and Princeton (then The College of New Jersey), right here in Central New Jersey!  Rutgers won the game 6-4.  The rules were still quite different than they are today and the ball they used was round compared to the ball we use today.  

Many people in America will get together to watch the Super Bowl tonight to eat tons of different snacks and to enjoy the commercials and performances played on television during the game.  What will you be doing?  I have a pot of chicken chili cooking right now!  I hope you enjoy some delicious food and may the best team win!  

Want to know more?  Check some books out at our local library!  :-)