Friday, February 20, 2015

Freddy Friday #6 -- More Snow for Freddy!!

This is our hike last week.  Check out the photo below to see what a
difference just a little more, fresh snow can add to the scenery!

The snow just keeps coming for Freddy!  He is absolutely loving it.  On our snow day this past Tuesday, he was happy to trot along a trail into the snow-dusted woods...where he proceeded to run like the wind toward the deer.  Oopsie!  Freddy IS some type of hound/hunting dog afterall!  Once he ran back to me we had a chance to really enjoy the view.  It looked like a magical winter wonderland.

"Where did that deer go?"

I heard some of the great things my students did on their snow days!  Some built snowmen and forts, had snowball fights, went sledding, went tubing and others stayed inside under a blanket to read. They all sounded like great options for a snow day!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to see you had fun in the snow Freddy! That sure looks like fun.
