Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!  From Ms. Tricarico and her best helper (Freddy the Elf).

Monday, December 22, 2014

Long Winter Nights, Beautiful Dancing Lights

As the darkness has grown longer toward the end of fall many people around the northern hemisphere of our world use lights in their celebrations.  You have probably noticed candles in windows, decorated lampposts in towns, menorahs, lit Christmas trees and houses strung with lights as you've ridden around in your cars at nighttime.  I have always loved to check out beautiful decorations around this time of year.  

Last year I was looking forward to seeing a light display in Cranbury, New Jersey.  I had planned to go with a friend but their plans changed and they never made it over.  This year I figured no matter what I would go to see it.  I went on the website to look up the information so I could plan when I would go.  I noticed the family who hosts this almost-nightly event gives 100% of the donations they receive to the food bank.  The food bank helps to serve over 300 children in Central New Jersey and their families.  I decided I would make a donation on behalf of my family this year to help others.  One of the owners of the house, Keith, was kind enough to take me on a tour of how things work.  He told me some incredible information including the fact that he uses over 5 miles of extension cords and 44 computers to run the 70 minute long show!! 

Here is a video of me turning on the lights for the night on Monday...

Check out some more videos of the house here:

I had the chance to speak to Keith's 9 year old son about how he programed this next video.  He was NINE YEARS OLD when he created this amazingly coreographed light dance!  Just this month Alexander turned 10.  Kids are amazing!  Check it out below!

Here is the link in case you would like to go see the light show in Cranbury.  :-)

Diwali, Las Posadas, Hanukkah, Saturnalia, Solstice, Soyal, Yule/Juul, ChristmasKwanzaa, Teng Chieh, Zagmuk and New Year's Eve are some of the holidays during the long, dark nights which use lights as symbols for celebration.  Maybe you would like to read more about these celebrations.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Back in the Saddle

I have always loved being around horses and hadn't been on one in quite a while. It is generally quite expensive to ride horses, so I decided I had to give it up a few years ago.  Luckily a friend of mine invited me out on the trails this weekend.  I couldn't say, "YES" quickly enough!

I rode a cute horse named Peanut.  Just as dogs have different breeds such as dalmations and poodles, there are different types of horses.  Peanut is a Haflinger (also known as an Avelignese).  He was small but very sturdy.  He had a lot of pep in his step and was not afraid of anything out on the trails. I liked his spunk and energy!

While riding I came across a surprise.  Check out who I saw on a horse...could it be??

At first glance, I thought it was Santa and when he turned around 
I realized it wasn't just Santa...
it was Cowboy Santa!

Not only did I have to get a photo with Cowboy Santa but all of the people passing by were taking photos of him too.  This rider thought of quite the way to spread holiday cheer!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Happy Hanukkah!

Our classes enjoyed learning about the traditions of Hanukkah.  Although I do not celebrate Hanukkah, I have to tell you that dreidel is one of my favorite games and latkes are BY FAR my favorite food and have been for years and years.  We are so lucky to have plans for a student's grandma come into the morning class this year to read to us about Hanukkah, to make latkes for us to taste and to play music for us to dance to.  Wishing all who celebrate a very happy Hanukkah!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Weekend in the City

Here is a view of the New York City skyline from Jersey City.

This weekend one of my sisters and I headed into the city to eat delicious food, to see a play and to do some shopping.  I met her in Jersey City to take the train into Manhattan. We then quickly switched over to take a subway to our hotel in order to put our things down before deciding what we should grab for a snack.  

We found a great place where we could try different cheeses and meats.  The cheesemongers were experts on all of the different types of cheeses from which we chose. They were all absolutely delicious!  My students learned this week how many cheeses come from cows.  We also had cheese made from sheep's, goats' and water buffalos' milk.  Have you ever milked a cow, sheep, goat or buffalo?  I remember having the chance to milk a cow on a field trip when I was in elementary school.  I also was able to milk a goat as a kid. Many of my neighbors, growing up, had livestock (farm animals).

After we filled our bellies, we took another subway to Times Square.  It is so bright in this part of the city!  We quickly took our seats for the play.  Afterwards, can you imagine we were ready to eat more food?  This time we stopped into an Italian restaurant for some fresh pasta.  Finally, we were worn out and headed back to the hotel for some sleep.

The next morning we woke up for more amazing food at brunch.  We also were able to take a walk to some shops.  It is always great exercise walking throughout the city.  I thought it was beyond wonderful to see so many of the things my students had listed on our Cities KWL chart last week!  They are super smart cookies!

Here I am on the subway.  Some of my students were blown away last week
when we learned about these underground trains!
Times Square

Here is the Booth Theatre where we saw a play.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Princeton's Holiday Display

A few nights ago I eagerly drove into Princeton, New Jersey in anticipation of furthering my holiday spirit. I was hoping to have the chance to enjoy the beautifully decorated streets. At first glance I am sad to say that I was quite disappointed.  I had expected the main street, Nassau Street, to be twinkling with lights strung from lamppost to lamppost and stores lined with more strands of bulbs. As I approached the center of town I did not see much of this. 

I parked my car and paid the meter.  I noticed I was right outside of one of my favorite places (mentioned in my Dairy, Dairy Quite Extraordinary post), Halo Pub!  I shuttered at the thought of eating ice cream on such a cold night; then I thought about how delicious it is.  I shivered once again wishing it were summer for just long enough for me to enjoy some ice cream on the bench.

As I walked around some of the side streets I was happy to finally see wreaths, garland, decorated trees, and plenty of glistening lights.  Take a look below.  

Now, that's a lot of lights!!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Last night was our student showcase at The Circus Place!  It was a jungle-themed, wildly good time.  We have been working so hard on our routine during class on Wednesday nights.  Afterwards it was so nice to high five and hug my classmates on a job well done.                                            

Our teachers looked so proud of us too.  :-)  I certainly know how it feels to be a proud teacher (I have the best students in the universe afterall)!  Our instructors really do a wonderful job of being patient and careful to help each and every one of us to stay safe and to do our very best at The Circus Place.  I ventured out on some new adventures over the summer in order to see how it feels to be a student again.  I am gaining more and more insight with each new lesson.  I am loving the challenge!  It is making me to be both a better student and a better teacher.  :-)
Here are some photos of my group performing to music from Lion King the Musical:

Ms. Millers was nice enough to braid my hair for the show.
I loved the way it looked!


I remember how scared I was the first time I tried this move!  Now I can do it without a thought.  ;-)

I was so happy and lucky to have two of my
friends come to cheer me on!
Ann was in my class in the summer.
She is AMAZING in the air and is such a hard worker!
I've learned so much from watching
all of the other students during classtime!
     I now wish that I took photos with those wonderful teachers I was talking about...

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Practice Makes Progress

During the middle of the summer I decided to begin a few new hobbies.  I had chosen to continue on with aerial arts class at The Circus Place this fall.  I have even recently been saving up to take two classes per week starting in the winter.  I find these classes to be a great challenge and have learned how important it is to stretch and exercise in between my classes.  What a difference that makes!

When I first tried the trapeze I had difficulty even getting up onto the bar.  Getting down from the trapeze with grace was even harder!  In the summer I would tend to flop down out of the sky with a "PLOP!" onto the mats each and every time.  With practice and exercise I am now able to gracefully let myself down from silks, ropes and the trapeze.

I make sure to take notes when I am at class so I do not forget what my teachers tell me and I make sure to ask plenty of questions to help me learn more about the best ways to perform in the air.  Of course I also realized that I needed to practice, practice, practice while I remained patient.  It is tricky to practice often when I do not always have access to the equipment I need.  Instead, I have to work on exercises to keep my muscles strong.  I am also going to go to The Circus Place on Saturday night, when the gym is open for anyone who would like to practice climbing or doing tricks on the apparatuses (that is a big word to describe all of the equipment we use in class).

Next week all of the students will have a chance to perform.  My group has been working hard to practice our routine.  Here is a sneak peak of me at practice...

My kindergartners have been practicing reading, writing and math in the classroom.  Practice is important in order to make progress.

Here are some books available at our town's library about practice:

Sunday, November 30, 2014

'Tis the Season

My best buddy, Freddy, was a great help while decorating my Christmas tree this weekend.  He stayed clear out of the way and did not try to play with any of the ornaments.  What a good boy!  

I thought I would share photos of some of my favorite ornaments on my tree...

Here are some books about Christmas trees.  You can find them at the library!